Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Gratitude Tree

After reading the lovely Erin's post on making a Gratitude Tree with her little one, we just had to join in and create our very own version.

Rowan's short of patience when it comes to coloring, so he called out things or people for which he was thankful and mama wrote them on the leaves.

Here's the list as created by my little man (in rough chronological order):

Thanksgiving lunch (he's a total foodie)
Elvis (our dog)
Jasper (our cat)
My baby
My Meme blanket
Woolie (a lambskin he's had since birth)
Bumblebee helmut (Transformers)
Woody hat (cowboy hat)
Good friends
Guns (um, yes, he said guns!)
Leaf jumping

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Share some gratitude with the ones you love (and even the ones you don't).


Debbie said...

How beautiful. I'm new here...found you from 5 Orange Potatoes.

I think I might have to "borrow" this idea. So lovely.

Many Blessings,

ps - Are you a potter? Beautiful wares. I'm an aspiring potter. It's quite the journey. :)

Bluebirdbaby said...

it looks great!!!

Nettles said...

This is just gorgeous Amanda! Very lovely idea. And deliciously Autumnal.